Writeback (WB)


This note covers the writeback() stage of the SM core's pipeline.

// shader_core_ctx::cycle()

The context in the EX_WB pipeline register set is written back to the register file by the Arbitrator.


The writeback() for the SM core is defined as follows

void shader_core_ctx::writeback() {
  unsigned max_committed_thread_instructions =
      m_config->warp_size *
      (m_config->pipe_widths[EX_WB]);  // from the functional units
  // Find a ready EX_WB pipeline register
  warp_inst_t **preg = m_pipeline_reg[EX_WB].get_ready();
  warp_inst_t *pipe_reg = (preg == NULL) ? NULL : *preg;
  while (preg and !pipe_reg->empty()) {
     * Right now, the writeback stage drains all waiting instructions
     * assuming there are enough ports in the register file or the
     * conflicts are resolved at issue.
     * The operand collector writeback can generally generate a stall
     * However, here, the pipelines should be un-stallable. This is
     * guaranteed because this is the first time the writeback function
     * is called after the operand collector's step function, which
     * resets the allocations. There is one case which could result in
     * the writeback function returning false (stall), which is when
     * an instruction tries to modify two registers (GPR and predicate)
     * To handle this case, we ignore the return value (thus allowing
     * no stalling).

    unsigned warp_id = pipe_reg->warp_id();
    // release the register from the scoreboard
    m_gpu->gpu_sim_insn_last_update_sid = m_sid;
    m_gpu->gpu_sim_insn_last_update = m_gpu->gpu_sim_cycle;
    m_last_inst_gpu_sim_cycle = m_gpu->gpu_sim_cycle;
    m_last_inst_gpu_tot_sim_cycle = m_gpu->gpu_tot_sim_cycle;
    // continue
    preg = m_pipeline_reg[EX_WB].get_ready();
    pipe_reg = (preg == NULL) ? NULL : *preg;
    // there could be multiple pipe_reg? Anyway

At first, a ready slot in the EX_WB register set is identified and loaded to preg. If it is valid, the m_operand_collector.writeback is called. Then, the destination register is released from he scoreboard and the slot in EX_WB register set is cleared. It continues until all the ready instructions in the EX_WB register set are written back.


Let's take a closer look at the m_operand_collector.writeback defined as follows

bool opndcoll_rfu_t::writeback(warp_inst_t &inst) {
  // get destination registers
  std::list<unsigned> regs = m_shader->get_regs_written(inst);
  for (unsigned op = 0; op < MAX_REG_OPERANDS; op++) {
    int reg_num = inst.arch_reg.dst[op];  // this math needs to match that used
                                          // in function_info::ptx_decode_inst
    if (reg_num >= 0) {                   // valid register
      // compute bank
      unsigned bank = register_bank(reg_num, inst.warp_id(), m_num_banks,
                                    m_bank_warp_shift, sub_core_model,
                                    m_num_banks_per_sched, inst.get_schd_id());
      // if the bank is idle
      if (m_arbiter.bank_idle(bank)) {
        // allocate the write
            op_t(&inst, reg_num, m_num_banks, m_bank_warp_shift, sub_core_model,
                 m_num_banks_per_sched, inst.get_schd_id()));
        inst.arch_reg.dst[op] = -1;
      } else {
        return false;

  // some statistics
  return true;

At first, it collects all the destination registers in the list regs. Then, it traverses all the entries in this list. For each register, the bank id is computed (unsigned bank). The Arbitrator checks whether the bank is available. If it is, the destination register is allocated to the Arbitrator. Otherwise, return false.